Financial services represents an ever changing niche. Especially when dealing with the creation of entirely new products, strategies and solutions which never existed before. An exciting time!
Whenever you are introducing a product or service, particularly a financial one, it pays to understand the individual differentiators which will identify and set your product apart!
The best solutions with which I've seen and been apart, have usually revolved around the deployment of a structured, blended solution which creates multiple benefits for multiple parties.
I specialize in finding ways to mix and match banking or tech solutions for the benefits of a client. Often, simply asking a few questions and understanding the challenges of a client is enough for me to make inquiries of my personal database, and in the interim, create the momentum that can often result in a solution that can sometimes change a paradigm.
I've been involved in a few Go To Market strategies tht changed the way things were done in a particular vertical. Maybe I can help you? If I can't, I'll bet I know some guys that can make your business much better in the process.
If you have a particular challenge, let me know. If I know of the possibility of a solution, I'll at least do you the honor of a Zoom where I can introduce you to some serious infuencers who'll know your niche!
If I don't respond within an hour, I'm probably out on the boat.
Drop me a line and let's talk!